Saturday, November 12, 2005

Hey gang,

This is a picture of what we call in Israel a "Hamsa". It is a cultural sign of peace and prosperity. Above it in two letters you can see the sign ?? which is "Live" in hebrew.

The sign got many meaning and many families across the country have some sort of hamsa in thier house being put on the wall or kept in different places in the house.

It is built in such a way that it represent a hand with five fingures where the three fingers on the bottom got different luck signs.

Anyways, My parents got that or bought it and I thought it was a good idea to put a picture of it in my blog.


BTW if you would like to buy that one you can search the web or israeli sites where they are probably selling one.

Hey again,

I've just downloaded flock, which is a new browser good for bloggers, and other features.
You can share in it your favorites on the web, with outher people and find what you are interested on with other people that are interested in the same subject,.

I think I will play a little with it to see how it goes....


Hey People,

Its been a while since I've written another entery in to my blog..
Anyways, since then I've assembeled a private home network, with several computers,.
(BTW: Still got problems with the wireless connection of the linux mandriva machine)

I'm enjoying it very much.,.. and it filled some time in my daily boaring schedual....

I used 3com router with 3com client wireless usb connectors.... very simple and usefull I didn't think it'll be so easy to install such a net work,.... I thought there would be some problems, but for my amasment it went ccompleatly smooth.