Thursday, March 16, 2006

I started testing the new mac os x on intel dual core pentium machine.

It works perfectly, I had some problems installing the audio on it cause I got RealTek built in sound card. But I found the proper solution for that one. I had to reboot the machine install winxp, and run a dxdiag app inorder to perform a test of the hardware, and retrieve the current hardware addresses for the soundcard, and pci inputs.

Except that it seems that the mac is quit a stable operating system, there are many features. Yet I do not quit understand the technical basics of that os. Basically it is built upone linux mechenisem. And it seems that the terminal is all linux like commands (Which I had to use in order to configure the drivers for it)

Next projects are to install windows xp x64, and vista on the 400gb hard disk I've replaced at the store. And to reinstall linux from scratch on another machine I got and test it while learning a bit of linux and technical issues.

Till then I'd be playing a bit with the mac :)


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